You Lie, like the former, former, former guy

By Jason Kinte.       2023-01-16

George Santos…You lie, like the former,former, former guy

Noawadays everyone’s willing to do like him

For their 45 milli-seconds of fame

If he can even last that long…

Like Milli-Vanilli back in the day…

We would have to determine who he is first to interpret each scriptural verse

To vote and decide what’s right and wrong…

He had the nerve to say the voters sent him there and only they can take him back

Two years from now – he is boldface with his abuse of power the second of two problems in the world..

The first is ignorance and that is not the problem here…

He knows who he is; we just don’t…

The problem isn’t whether he is a boy or girl, woman or man or which one he lays down with..

The problem is his vote can keep Russia and China from taking over countries…

Or crash the stock market and let them run the world…


He says only the voters can send him back…

But who did they send and who would they not re-elect is the question…

Maybe I should change my name again, but this time change it to his…

And sign in at the Capital building’s entrance gate…

At the same time as him in the morning and say I came to make America great


(Or hate again in fact)

Then he’d say I’m the real George Santos…

And I’d say how can you prove that’s a fact

And he would show his ID and say ‘This is me, I’m not black…

And I’d show mine and say, I’ve got ID that says George Santos too

That’s so easy boo, I suggest you move it…

Then he’d say but you’re not a Jew…

And I’d say neither are you…

And he’d say no but I am Jew ish…

And I’d say oh yeah I forgot…

You lie a lot…all of them are hard to remember….

If you could have you probably would have tried to convince your parents on the 25th of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November

That it was actually December…

So you could get more gifts but oh yeah…

You actually might be like me since you are not really Jewish, you might follow Jesus

He was Jew -ish too like you, except he was the type of Jew that would not lie and die for you And you are the type of Jew-ish

To profit from a lie…

Just like the former guy…

He’d say I work here and you do not…I was here yesterday..

And I’d say, you are impersonating me…

Its not that hard to do see..

Its not that hard to do this with ID…….

Just lie and cheat and steal and then steal an identity for power…

And then once you have it show up to vote against every progressive bill so we regress

And become great like when back people like those who look like me and ye worked for phree

And got whips for their pay instead of pay, day after day 

Instead of 7 bucks they’d get 7 whips per hour..


Now you can be a star In the gang that used to pretend to be a party

Its no longer in to cover up your sin by saying you are about fiscal restraint…

And let the corporations run wild and get paid billions for wars for weapons of war to take over Iraqi oil…

Now its not even cool to wait until you get in the gate to tell those big lies…

Those are the bad old days and George W styles….

Now instead of running wild like bulls…from George H.W.’s first 

Lieing about weapons of mass destruction..

Causing millions of people in the middle east to die…

Now they lie about who they are before the get the power to shoot and bomb in internal conflicts

Its hard to say which is worse…

When your whole resume is a lie  

Or when you are honest about whose son you are 

And your fame causes you to win fortune and fame

And causes you to be rich or a star…

And then your lie causes millions of people to die…

Like the former former former guy

After 911

And the former guy

After the virus he tried to deny was here to stay…

I just know its sad; all three are bad…

Causing death of older troops, and now recruits

Causing death of the elderly and those with code morbidities and others too…

Some you who are reading this loved and others you knew…

Even last year; so it obviously stayed beyond the spring that DT said…

And people are still getting sick; over a million dead …

Ain’t that the truth?

If he doesn’t step down or get indicted for campaign finance crimes

He’ll have the power to vote to take people to war, and defund disease protection

He’ll have the power to vote to undo impeachments and approve of insurrections

And then even run for the top spot like the former guy

You think its impossible….but I thought Hillary would win too:

I over-estimated You; my American friends…

So if you think its not possible, I would have thought so too but after all these lies for decades People still support the former guy who is still as phree as me

And even has more earthly protection…

Is there any other country in the world where you can be as phree as him about you do not succeed attempting an insurrection? 🤔

And voters even gave his gang a majority in the house in the last election…

So all I can say is,


That’s who they are…

They abuse power…Cheat and lie like the former guy

Or so people die 

Based upon weopons of mass destruction lies

At war like the former former former guy

Increase the debt…blow up the budget spending on big guns 

And make people pay the bill when they get ill…

From the second invasion of Iraq until this day…

So if you think this George is any better than the one from the wild west’s son…

Who was so brave he sent others to die based upon a lie…

I can only say, 

You lie…

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