You could truly become great if you stop playing Russian Roulette

By Jason Kinte               2023-01-10

Please Put down the Gun… 

(you have Pointed at the Godly love part of your brain)


A desperate plea from a neighbouring country…🇨🇦

After all the excitement is done…

Looking at the smoking gun…

And the wounded potential great in the mirror…


It couldn’t be clearer..


That you shouldn’t have played Russian roulette…


But does that even register yet?


As Kevin McCarthy loses another vote to follow…


Not lead…lol…


As speaker…


To lead a gang that believes that hate is great…


Are you still consumed with hate???🤔


And think that what you remember of your youth was so great…??




The civil war?






Rodney King?


George Floyd?


The most school shootings in the world?


What years were great?🤔🤨


Do you even want to try to shoot yourself somewhere else again…?


Do you even realize the chickens came home to roost…?


Or are you still like a brute and tree rotted at the root…?


That can only produce rotten fruit…


With all of that cotton-picking wealth?🤔


The Africans picked for you for phree….


Do you still insist on slitting your wrist?🤔


Going out at the end like Sadamn Hussein hiding in a hole…


From the truth of your Roots….


Even South Africa admitted their truth…🤔


Or do you want to go out like Hitler did at the end…


Shooting himself in the head..


Please do not do it my friend…


It’s not too late to repent and turn to Jesus!!


Do not even shoot yourself in the other foot!


Will you still be writing love letters to you know who???


Like his love letters he stole to Kim…🤔


Loving a crook who took your potential…


And turned it to death….


Elon even tried to placate your hate…


…by buying Twitter…


And the racists said “Great!!”


And DT gave a menacing laugh…


And said he’d come back to Twitter gladly…


And leave his truth social lies…


Only if you call him daddy…😂😂😂


Maybe now Elon realized those were lies….


Or he would call him daddy gladly…


Now that he lost $200 billion of net worth….


Trying to put America first….


Driving his Tesla crazy….


Almost crashing it focusing on that bull—t…


DT took advantage of your naivety…


His taxes were under audit…lol…


For 76 years….lol…😂😂😂


Since his daddy started him evading taxes from the time he was born transferring properties into his name to play the hide and go seek my wealth game with his Uncle Sam…


Your injustice system seems pretty lame…


When someone who isn’t even smart….


Can master the art of the lie…


And you believe it…


Because you like eating bulls—-


And hate….


You must think that will make you grow up and be great…




How does it taste??🤔


All the people you lost from COVID…?


Oh DT blamed that on aliens…


And my favourite president Barack Hussein, and the first billionaire one I served starting in 1998…


Bill Gates….


And Dr. Anthony Fauci…




Trying to depopulate the earth? 🤔


That’s why you handled COVID the worst?


And millions of people who didn’t have to died?


It’s not because DT lied….oh no….!!


It’s because that was God’s will??


For people to die???🤔


Based on a president’s lie? 


That it would be gone in a couple weeks or in spring?


Why would God want that?!!??🤔


All because you hated the fact….


For 8 years the president was black….


You decided to take a step back…


Instead of choosing Hillary because you didn’t like her personality?🤔


Why do women have to be tough yet soft to lead?


Is it because of your greed?


Because DT was neither…


All he did was lie….


His generals stopped him from using nuclear weapons to disrupt a hurricane…lol…


Without them no doubt  he would have given it a try!!!!🤨😳


Like crooks who take advantage of imbeciles do…


He told you he would make you great again…


But instead he made you hate again…


Will you still refuse to repent??


When he has prison walls built around his golf course…


Then, will you get a divorce???🤔


From racist hate….?


He promised he would make Mexico pay for that wall…


And you believed him? 


And now make believe he did?


I guess if you visit him in prison for conjugal visits and call yourself “Mexico” when you check yourself into the new prison inn named Mar A Lago… 


You can make it true…..


Tell DT, “this is Mexico here to visit you…..


For a conjugal visit….


To pay for your prison wall….”


After all the excitement is done…


I hope the climax was worth it…


And the sex with that old lying inmate was great


And worth all of the hate…


And million COVID deaths the lies help cause…


Maybe now you will change your tax laws…


It’s not too late….


To renounce the racism and idolatrous worship of money taught by a crook you became the apprentice of…


And instead become God’s apprentice…


And instead embrace love…


That comes from above….💕


And truly become great…


This is an honest love letter…


From your true friend until the end…


Believing God’s best for your future…


That you put the gun down on the ground….


And stop shooting yourself…


It’s not too late…


To renounce the lies and violence…


And truly be great…




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